Contact us

  • 12 Comrie Rd
    South Africa
  • [email protected]
  • +27 82 5665884
  • Mon to Fri - 8:00am to 5:00pm

Rental Accommodation

Ensure your guests enjoy a memorable stay during their time in your units with everything on hand to encourage return bookings

Whether you are managing rental units, deriving income from your units in a personal capacity or simply wanting to up your game in an increasingly competitive market.

Ensure a premium consistent experience to encourage repeat bookings.

Control, Audit and Reconcile Inventory

Keep better track of inventory. Monitor it closely, check it for accuracy, and match it up with records regularly.


Manage Cleaning and Service Tasks

Ensure your service staff are performing their roles consistently in the manner you want them to – from flowers on the table to turned down sheets. 

Provide your own Branded App to tenants

Share your Unit Mobile App with your Guests. You’ll save time and encourage repeat bookings.  Guests can report issues without delay and sign an agreement that holds them accountable for damages. The app can include your detailed instructions on how to use appliances like the TV and air conditioning. Take your guest experience to the next level while easing property management.

Key Benefits